50 Alternate Ways to Say “What are you doing?”

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As an ESL expert, I understand the importance of expanding your vocabulary and learning new ways to ask common questions. One such question is, “What are you doing?” In this post, we’ll explore 50+ alternate ways to ask, “What are you doing?” and provide tips on using these phrases effectively.

To ask “What are you doing?” differently, try an informal phrase like “What’s up?”, a formal phrase such as “Could you please tell me what you’re doing?”, or a creative way like “What’s keeping your hands full?”. Select the phrase that best suits the context and your relationship with the person.

To master different small talks like the above, you may find the book Better Small Talk: Talk to Anyone, Avoid Awkwardness, Generate Deep Conversations, and Make Real Friends (Amazon Link) very useful. Many of my students have improved their everyday conversation skills with the help of this book.

Now, let’s learn 50 different expressions to ask someone what they are doing. I’ll cover formal and informal ways of asking so. I’ll also give some tips at the end of the post.

Table of Contents

Informal Ways to Ask “What Are You Doing?”

Using informal language can make the conversation feel more relaxed and natural when chatting with friends or family. In this section, we will explore some casual ways to ask, “What are you doing?” that are perfect for everyday conversations.

  1. What’s up?
  2. What’s going on?
  3. What’s happening?
  4. What are you up to?
  5. What are you working on?
  6. What’s keeping you busy?
  7. What are you into right now?
  8. What are you in the middle of?
  9. How are you spending your time?
  10. What have you been doing lately?

Formal Ways to Ask “What Are You Doing?”

Using polite language is essential when you want to show respect or maintain a more formal tone. Here, I’ll discuss several polite ways to ask, “What are you doing?” that will help you maintain a courteous and respectful demeanor.

  1. May I ask what you’re doing?
  2. What are you currently working on, if you don’t mind me asking?
  3. Could you please tell me what you’re doing?
  4. Would you mind sharing what you’re working on?
  5. I was wondering what you’re doing at the moment.
  6. Can you tell me what you’re occupied with right now?
  7. Do you mind if I ask what you’re up to?

Fun and Creative Ways to Ask “What Are You Doing?”

Adding a touch of creativity or humor to your conversations can make them more engaging and enjoyable. In this part, we will look at some fun and unique ways to ask, “What are you doing?” that will bring a smile to the person you’re talking to.

  1. What’s cookin’?
  2. What’s on your plate right now?
  3. What are you getting into today?
  4. What’s the latest project you’re tackling?
  5. What adventure are you embarking on?
  6. What’s keeping your hands full?
  7. What mission are you on at the moment?
  8. What’s occupying your thoughts these days?

Ways to Ask “What Are You Doing?” in Different Situations

Depending on the context of your conversation, you may want to tailor your question to fit the situation better. In this section, I’ll cover various ways to ask, “What are you doing?” that are specific to different scenarios or topics.

When talking about work or school

  1. What are you studying?
  2. What project are you working on?
  3. What’s your current assignment?
  4. What task are you focused on?

When talking about hobbies or interests

  1. What are you practicing?
  2. What are you creating?
  3. What are you reading or watching?
  4. What game are you playing?

When talking about plans

  1. What are your plans for the day?
  2. What are you doing this weekend?
  3. What’s on your agenda for today?

Tips for Using Alternate Phrases for “What’re You Doing?”

To effectively use different ways of asking, “What are you doing?” it’s important to keep some tips in mind. In this part, I’ll guide how to choose the right phrase, use the appropriate tone, and engage in meaningful conversations.

  1. Choose the right phrase for the situation: Consider whether the setting is formal or informal, and select a phrase that fits the context.
  2. Pay attention to tone and body language: Use friendly and open body language to make the person feel comfortable when asking about their activities.
  3. Listen actively: After asking the question, make sure to listen carefully to the person’s response and show genuine interest in what they’re doing.
  4. Ask follow-up questions: To keep the conversation going, ask follow-up questions based on the person’s response. This shows that you are engaged and interested in what they have to say.
  5. Practice using different phrases: To become more comfortable with various ways of asking, “What are you doing?” try using them in different conversations. This will help you build your vocabulary and become more fluent in English.

More Alternate Ways to Ask “What Are You Doing?”

Expanding your vocabulary is key to becoming more fluent in English. In this final section, I’ll provide even more alternate ways to ask, “What are you doing?” giving you a wide range of phrases to incorporate into your conversations.

  1. What are you engaged in right now?
  2. What’s currently on your to-do list?
  3. What are you preoccupied with at the moment?
  4. What’s been taking up your time recently?
  5. What’s your present focus?
  6. What are you concentrating on right now?
  7. What are you devoting your time to these days?
  8. What activities are you currently involved in?
  9. What’s your current pursuit?
  10. What are you spending your energy on?
  11. What’s the main thing you’re working on right now?
  12. What’s been occupying your attention lately?
  13. What’s your latest undertaking?
  14. What are you busy with at the moment?

Are you looking for a book or a guide to help you learn and improve your English? You may try English Made Easy Volume One: A New ESL Approach: Learning English Through Pictures (Amazon Link). This book creatively uses pictures and text in tandem to revolutionize English language learning, making it easier to understand and more effective overall.

Sample Conversation: Alternate Ways to Say “What are you doing?” in English

Formal Setting: Inside a spacious office with glass walls, Susan notices her colleague Brian poring over several documents spread out on his desk. She approaches him with a sense of curiosity.

Susan: Good afternoon, Brian. I couldn’t help but notice you seem deeply engrossed in those papers. May I inquire about the task you’re currently working on?

Brian: Certainly, Susan. These are the quarterly reports for our upcoming shareholders’ meeting. I’m trying to analyze the trends and ensure all the data is presented effectively. It’s quite detailed.

Susan: Sounds crucial. If you need any assistance or a fresh pair of eyes, do let me know.

Brian: Thank you, Susan. I might just take you up on that offer.

Informal Setting: In the cozy living room of their family home, Emma sees her younger brother Mike, who seems busy with something on the coffee table. Curious, she walks over and tries to get a glimpse.

Emma: Hey Mike, you look pretty occupied there. Whatcha up to?

Mike: Oh, hey sis. I found this old watch of Grandpa’s in the attic. It’s not working, so I thought I’d try and see if I can get it ticking again. It’s kind of like a puzzle, trying to figure out the tiny parts.

Emma: That’s cool! Grandpa had some interesting stuff. Let me know if you get it working. I’d love to hear its story.

In Conclusion

Learning different ways to ask, “What are you doing?” can make your English conversations more varied and engaging. This not only helps you improve your language skills but also allows you to better connect with others.

Practice using these alternate phrases in various situations, and soon you’ll be able to confidently ask, “What are you doing?” in many different ways.

Good luck, and happy learning!

1. Why might someone want to use an alternate phrase instead of directly asking “What are you doing?”?

Using different phrases can add variety to conversations, make them sound more natural, and help avoid sounding repetitive or overly direct.

2. Are all alternate phrases suitable for both formal and informal situations?

No, some phrases may be more casual, while others can be used in a formal setting. Context is key.

3. Can I use these alternate phrases in written communication?

Yes, but ensure that the phrase fits the tone and context of your written communication, be it a text, email, or letter.

4. What’s a casual way to ask someone what they’re doing?

Phrases like “What’s up?” or “What are you up to?” are casual ways to inquire.

5. How can I ask about someone’s activities in a business context?

You can ask, “What projects are you currently handling?” or “How’s your day looking?”.

6. Are there more indirect ways to ask about someone’s activities?

Yes, you can say things like “Keeping busy?” or “How’s your day been?”.

7. Can I combine these alternate phrases with other questions?

Absolutely! For instance, “What are you working on? Anything I can assist with?”

8. How can I respond if someone uses an alternate phrase to ask what I’m doing?

You can reply similarly, like “Just wrapping up some work” or “Taking a break and enjoying some coffee.”

9. Is it essential to vary the ways I ask this question?

While not crucial, varying your language can make conversations more engaging and show that you’re actively participating in the dialogue.

10. Can cultural differences influence how these alternate phrases are perceived?

Definitely. Some phrases might be more common or have different connotations in various cultures. It’s always good to be aware of cultural nuances.

Niaj A A Khan is an ESL Instructor with over 8 years of experience in teaching & developing resources at different universities and institutes. Mr. Khan is also a passionate writer working on his first book, "Learn English at Ease."

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