100+ Ways of Expressing Opinions in English

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An opinion is how you feel or think about a particular issue. It’s usually a personal viewpoint based on your experiences. In our daily life, we express opinions on various issues at home or office. If you wonder how to do it properly, this post is for you.

Throughout the post, I’ll share 100+ expressions related to expressing opinions and some valuable tips at the end.

To express your opinion, start with an open-up statement, show the reason(s) to justify your opinion, and conclude with your final comment. As your opinion may at times go against someone else, you should be very polite so that your opinion doesn’t offend them.

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Guide to Different Types of Opinions in English

While you express your opinion in English, your words or tone indicate whether your view is strong, neutral, personal, or general. In this part of the post, we’ll see different expressions that you can use to express a variety of opinions. 

Neutral Opinions: Examples

  • I think Maria can do it. She has been one of my best team members for the last three years. Hence, you may trust her ability.
  • I believe this is not a good book because I read it once. It was too dull for me to finish, but you may like it.
  • I guess Razon will be a good choice for this position since he is dedicated and hard-working.
  • I assume it would be better to go by train rather than by bus. The train is more comfortable and safe.
  • I predict the high risk of the project. Therefore, I think it’s not a good time for us to go for it.
  • I reckon this is a good product. The build quality is excellent, I must say.  
  • I feel like not going there. It’ll be too cold there.
  • I feel that there will be no lunch. So let’s have our lunch here.
  • I gather that the boys are good at coding. Therefore, you can hire them as part-time programmers.
  • I have a feeling that it would not work out. I don’t find it handy at first look.

Strong Opinions: Examples

  • I really think it is the best mobile in the market. It has all the updated software.
  • I firmly believe that Rick can win the game. It would be best if you gave him a chance.
  • I genuinely feel that she can do it. So you can undoubtedly depend on her.
  • I completely agree with what you have said. Firstly, you are the most experienced person regarding this matter. Secondly, I have worked with you for the last ten years. So I know how good you are at this.
  • I can’t agree more with you. You have made the best decision. So, I am in.
  • I can’t entirely agree with you on this matter. So, I expect you should not do it this way.
  • I am confident that the customer will be more satisfied if you give them a free membership card.
  • In my honest opinion, you should not go there. This is not a safe place.
  • Frankly speaking, I am sure that this device will have faults if manufactured in this way.
  • I’m in complete agreement with the observation of Mr. Saint. Unfortunately, I also experienced the same.

General Opinions: Examples

  • One could say it is not in good condition because of the color. So, I suggest you rethink.
  • Generally, boys nowadays don’t like such dresses. Now, it’s up to you.
  • Some people say that it’s challenging to get a good score in Mathematics. What’s your take on that?
  • Many people think that the food of this restaurant is not hygienic. Will you still take the risk?
  • It’s often said that riding a bike is too dangerous. I agree, but still, I find it very adventurous.
  • It’s universally acclaimed that hard-working is the key to success. But I believe that’s not all. There are so many other things.
  • It’s generally accepted that engineers are not romantic as a person. But I think she is different.
  • Everybody knows that he is an outstanding actor. But I find him a better singer than an actor.
  • It is generally thought that slum dwellers are involved in crime and terrorism. However, it’s not valid for all. 
  • It is usually considered unethical. But if it saves a person’s life, I would support doing this.

Personal Opinions: Examples

  • Personally, I don’t think this could be a good solution. But still, we can try it if all of you agree.
  • In my experience, I never find any local products as good as this. So, I think you can buy this.
  • If you ask me, I would say go for the black one. The car looks very classy.
  • From my understanding, I don’t find the plan achievable. It’ll be very difficult for us to execute it due to a lack of workforce.
  • As I observed it, I would give my opinion against this. First, the machine is not as good as the previous one. And second, it lacks so many updates.
  • If you ask me, I must tell you to try to go on a Europe tour rather than the US.
  • As far as I am concerned, it would be best if you did not sell this now. I believe the price will rise at least 20% in a few months.
  • As far as I know, this is a perfect place to have a holiday. Some of my friends went there and shared their experiences with me.
  • As far as I understand, the company’s problem lies not in the products but in the service.
  • To me, this is the best deal. If you really want to buy a sports bike, go for it because you cannot get such a powerful bike on this budget.

How to Ask for Permission to Express an Opinion

You can try the following expressions to seek permission to express your opinion politely.

  • May I express my opinion?
  • Would you please allow me to express my opinion?
  • May I share my view?
  • May I share what I think about it?
  • Would you mind if I shared my thoughts?
  • Would you please allow me to share my take on that?
  • May I say something?
  • Can I tell you something?
  • Do you mind if I share my opinion?

Guide to Expressing Opinions in a Formal Situation

In addition, you are expected to express yourself objectively rather than being subjective. Give proper evidence, logic, and reasons to support your opinion. Let’s see some examples.

  • It could be argued that the budget is ok. However, I have some observations regarding some issues. May I request a review?
  • It would appear to be mismanagement. We can work together to solve it.
  • I would argue that the launching date should be January 1. It can be a new year’s gift for our customers.
  • My thoughts on this are very positive. I think we will be financially benefited from this project.
  • My opinion would be to take a training on customer care.
  • My comment on buying new computers for the writers would be a “YES.” The computer that we currently have is not writing-friendly.
  • I would say that it will be the most fantastic deal ever for our company.
  • One could say that the proposal is not worth accepting. But I find it potential.
  • It appears that you all are ok with the new plan. I also wholly agree with you.
  • It could be believed that we’ll have the best event next month. It’ll help promote our brand.

How to Express Opinions in an Informal Situation

When you are in informal situations, you can speak in a casual manner as the people you talk to in such situations are very close to you. They are either your friends or family members. Therefore, you can freely and directly express your thoughts without being diplomatic.

  • I think this is a lovely dress. It’ll be comfortable, I guess. You can buy this.
  • I assume you are to cook some Bangladeshi food tonight. All of us would love to have it together.
  • I reckon to choose the USA for higher study. They have the finest education system in the world.
  • I feel like swimming in the river. What do you think?
  • I have a feeling that these pieces of art should be hung on your bedroom walls.
  • Personally, I’m not too fond of spicy food. But if you like, you can go for them. I’ll choose something else for me.
  • What I’ve found about this game is surprising. We can certainly play it together online.
  • If you ask me, I suggest you not join this team now. You’ll have better options soon, for sure.
  • To me, this is the best pair of shoes you can get here. I can assure you of comfort with these shoes.
  • I firmly believe it would be a perfect trip if we invited all the other team members. We can have more fun together.

Guide to Expressing Opinions with Agreement

Sometimes you may not need to give your personal opinion; instead, you can agree with someone else’s thoughts. And that would be your opinion too. However, besides agreeing to someone else’s opinion, you can add something more if you feel so.

In most cases, to show agreement, we say positive words. Usually, agreements are expressed in short statements. Here are some examples.

  1. I think we should arrange a get-together. (Opinion)
    • I think so. (Agreement)
  2. I find riding a bike is more thrilling than driving a car.
    • So do I.
  3. We should work on the assessment first.
    • Definitely.
  4. I want to have some chocolate ice cream.
    • Me too.
  5. We should let them revisit the site.
    • I agree with you./I couldn’t agree more.
  6. She is a terrific dancer. I really appreciate her expressions.
    • Absolutely. You put my thoughts into words.
  7. I think he is an excellent choice to direct the film.
    • That’s exactly what I think.
  8. I find her writing very reader-friendly and arty at the same time.
    • I couldn’t have said it better.
  9. It’s the best software we can use to edit videos.
    • We share the same opinion.
  10. This power-consuming machine is creating problems in the whole system.
    • You hit the nail on the head.

If you want to add something while agreeing with someone’s opinion, you can show reasons for agreeing. In that case, you can mention the reasons after the expressions I mentioned above.

For example:

  • We should invite some experts to inspect.
  • I completely agree with you. It may help us to decide whether to run these machines or buy some new ones.

How to Express Opinions with Disagreement

So, to mitigate the possibility of offending someone, you should share valid reasons for disagreement. Yet, you must know some specific expressions that may help you to disagree politely. Here are some examples.

  1. We should rent a minibus rather than a microbus. (Opinion)
    • I beg to differ. I think a microbus would be ok as some of our team members are not going. (Disagreement)
  2. This machine should be replaced. It’s giving us a hard time.
    • I get your point, but we can give it a try by repairing it.
  3. I think each of us should prepare an individual presentation.
    • Yeah, but from my experience, I believe it would work better if it were a group presentation.
  4. Let’s have some chocolate ice cream.
    • I am sorry, but I got cold. I can’t have ice cream now.
  5. We should ask them to reschedule the meeting.
    • I’m afraid I have to disagree.
  6. She is a professional singer. So we can make her cultural secretary of the committee.
    • You have a point there, but I think she’ll not be able to give enough time.

Guide to Expressing Someone Else’s Opinions

We often need to convey someone else’s opinion to others. In that case, we actually say things with reference to that person. Let’s see some examples of such kind.

  • According to the CEO, we should all attend the seminar. I also feel that this seminar will be beneficial for learning some crucial things about product design.
  • Mr. Rodriguez said that this software should not be updated to avoid malfunction. What’s your take on that?
  • My friend Amir thinks Cox’s Bazar will be a good place for everyone for the next holiday.
  • Our boss wants us to visit the factory today. Are you all available? Please let me know before lunch.
  • Rocky finds English grammar very difficult. Do you people think the same? I hope you don’t.

10 Tips on How to Express Your Opinion in English

  • Listen to other people very carefully, especially their opinions on anything. Then give your opinion accordingly.
  • Learn different words/phrases to express your opinion perfectly. Your choice of words matters a lot.
  • Create an excellent first impression by appreciating the views of others. Then express what thoughts you want to share.
  • Always try to give reasons to support your views. The human being is a rational animal. They usually tend to accept it if you can give them valid reasons.
  • Make sure you conclude your final thought about your opinion perfectly. Unfortunately, many people don’t care to draw concrete statements at the end of a conversation. Thus confusion arises.
  • Practice more & more to ensure that you appropriately use the above expressions in appropriate places.
  • Be polite all the way. If you sound polite, people will listen to you for sure. They may not feel bad if you politely disagree with someone’s opinion.
  • Maintain a proper tone & body language. Many people don’t care for non-verbal communication. However, it adds beauty to your overall communication when you combine both verbal and non-verbal communication.
  • Be considerate about the context. In a formal context, be extra careful and picky in selecting words, tone, and body language.
  • Don’t hurry to express your opinions. Let other people talk if the situation demands. Ask them to give their views too.

In Conclusion

To express your opinion appropriately, you must follow the three-step guide. First, start with an open-up statement, then your opinion, and finally, the concluding words.

I hope this post will help you to express your opinion.

Thanks for reading!

Happy learning!

Niaj A A Khan is an ESL Instructor with over 8 years of experience in teaching & developing resources at different universities and institutes. Mr. Khan is also a passionate writer working on his first book, "Learn English at Ease."

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